This should be interesting! My local pub sends out clues to it's quiz every week. This week it's a picture of a band from the 80s.
I can't upload it, so I'll describe them:
There are 6 of them
The are all older (in their 30s and 40s)
They are dressed in suits (Miami Vice Style)
One of them has a full beard
One looks like Don Johnson (but isn't)
All have fake tans
They look american (judging by the clothes, haircuts and tans)
Whoever can identify this group first from these clues gets the points.
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
It's Huey Lewis and the News!
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
I could probably do it but I would have to see a pic. Can you put it on photobucket and add the link here?
Well, that was fun. lol. That is Huey Lewis and the News. Now go get your prize.
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
They could be Foreigner
Here are some pics of the band:
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
try styx
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
Hall %26amp; Oats
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
I know this for sure. It is "Huey Lewis and the News" They sang such songs as "Heart and Soul" "The Heart of Rock %26amp; Roll" and "Back In Time" -the last mentioned song is from the Back To The Future soundtrack.
80s Six Piece band - Quiz Help Needed?
frankie goes to hollywood
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