Monday, November 30, 2009

Bloggy quiz (part 2) how well do u noe ur fren?

17. Pass this quiz to 10 people that u wish to know how they feel about u.











1) #2 having relationship with:

2) Is #9 a female/male:

3) If #1 %26amp; #10 be together, will it be a good thing:

4) How about #3 and #4:

5) #2 studying about:

6) When was the last time you chatted with #3:

7) What kind of music does # 8 like:

8) Does #6 has any siblings?:

9) Will u woo # 3?:

10) How about #7?:

11) Is #4 single:

12) Surname of #5:

13) What's the hobby of #5:

14) #3 studying at:

15) Have you tried developing feelings for #8?:

16) Where does #9 live:

17) What colour does #4 like:

18) Are #1 and #3 best friends?:

19) Does #7 like #2?:

20) How do you know #2:


so how well do u guys noe ur fren?


Bloggy quiz (part 2) how well do u noe ur fren?

Shard it w/3 people. I'm waiting for the results. I know them pretty well, let's see if they know me....

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