Monday, November 30, 2009

Belief Quiz!?

Take this belief quiz, and report your top 3 matches, and then how categorize yourself.

Belief Quiz!?

Usually these quizzes do not cater to Jehovah's Witnesses, but anyway, I'll try...

Sorry I took so long, I'm cooking....

1. Orthodox Judaism (100%)

2. Islam (90%)

3. Jehovah's Witness (87%)

Lowest- Secular Humanism (13%)

LOL- well at least it covers us!!! Nice.

Belief Quiz!?

I've taken it in the past, and I think it came up with 'heretic', which I thought was odd.

Belief Quiz!?

Unitarian Universalism 100%

Secular Humanism 97%

Liberal Quakers 95%

The most telling is the bottom match: Roman Catholic 18% (lower than Judaism and Islam).

Considering I went to Catholic school, I would imagine that my old religious studies teachers would be disappointed, but not in the least surprised by that number.

I consider myself an atheist.

Belief Quiz!?

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. New Age (89%)

3. Unitarian Universalism (86%)

4. Theravada Buddhism (79%)

Hmm, fits.

Belief Quiz!?

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)

2. Theravada Buddhism (99%)

3. Secular Humanism (97%)

my lowest was Jehovah's Witnesses 4%

i consider myself agnostic still

Belief Quiz!?

That quiz is a waste of time.If you look at all the answers that would pertain to an atheist they all finish off with "not sure or not important" as the answer option,therefore it is biased in it's result to show a religious belief of some sort where none exists.

Belief Quiz!?

Here you go. And I am Mormon.

1. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (100%)

2. Jehovah's Witness (92%)

3. Orthodox Judaism (78%)

Belief Quiz!?

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)

2. Unitarian Universalism (83%)

3. New Age (82%)

I self-identify as Wicca-based Pagan, so this is pretty much spot-on! =)

Belief Quiz!?

LDS 100%this is correct I am LDS

Jehovas Whitness 100%

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